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Myriam Dessaivre

“Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.” (Excerpt from the Preamble of the UNESCO Constitution) Tribute to Myriam Dessaivre (1994-2020), a young French girl killed in Niger on August 9, 2020. Master in “International Affairs and Development specialized in peace processes and conflict resolution”.

By |2020-12-05T15:47:36+01:00octubre 19th, 2020|Testimonios|0 Comments

Domenico Mangano

Supo vivir plenamente... y transmitió su pasión por la unidad a muchos, valorando cada momento de la vida cotidiana Chiara Lubich Domenico Mangano (1938-2001): laico comprometido, político combativo, auténtico cristiano, decide entregarse para construir "fragmentos de reciprocidad", de intercambio y diálogo, en la sociedad en la que vive.

By |2020-12-05T15:29:09+01:00septiembre 7th, 2007|Testimonios|0 Comments