One of the questions immersed in the Grecian crisis is the one regarding democracy. The referendum appears, from this point of view, as a legitimate appeal to the people in a moment of difficult choices. So everything is fine? Almost. When the citizens vote, it is always a feast for politics. But, there have been cases, as of the referendum on the European constitution, in which a minority among the European citizens has blocked, almost practicing the right to veto, a process which almost gave its permission, paradoxically, on having more legible and transparent European institutions and procedures.
The solution to the problem should consist of a passage which is more advanced, functional, and integrated, and of political organizations in which European citizens could truly choose European governments where, in these last years, should present a bill on their operations. Democracy in only one country risks on having, not only insufficiency, but illusion. The horizon can no longer be only Athens, but should be Europe.
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