« In May of 1996 in Naples (Italy), people (…) who are actively involved in various political parties asked themselves a question: how is it possible to aim at unity considering that we come from different or even opposite positions?

They found an answer.

Place mutual love as the basis of everything, as Peter recommended to the first Christian communities: “Above all, (before being politicians, before thinking and working as such) let your love for one another be intense” (1 Pt. 4:8). Then be active in the political party of your choice. The aim is not to come together in another single party, but rather, fully loyal to each one’s political membership, to be willing to understand each other’s opinions in a spirit of unity; a spirit of unity which must be present not only in exceptional moments, but always, as the constant, basic norm for the political activities of each people and of the international scenario; a spirit of unity that helps take common stands in safeguarding human values.


That day in Naples marked the birth of the “Movement for Politics&Policy for Unity”».



(C. Lubich  to members of the European People’s Party, European Parliament, Strasbourg, 15 september 1998 – published in “New Humanity” 119 (1998) p. 525  “The political and social dimensioni of the Focolare Movement “)