From 19 to 21 November, the online event “The Economy of Francesco” was held, an international event that narrated the process of global change for a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable economy, leaving no one behind.

The initiative has been a response to Pope Francis’ invitation of 1 May 2019, to involve young economists, entrepreneurs and change-makers from around the world to “make a commitment to change today’s economy and give a soul to tomorrow’s economy”. The meeting was scheduled for 26-28 March 2020 in Assisi, a city “symbol and message of peace and fraternity”, but due to the Covid19 pandemic, it was postponed to November in virtual mode, with live broadcasts and streaming links that narrated the process carried out by the young participants in recent months.

Your universities, your businesses and your organizations are workshops of hope for creating new ways of understanding the economy and progress, for combating the culture of waste, for giving voice to those who have none and for proposing new styles of life”.

During the three days of the event, several topics were discussed, focused on the vision of the current state of the economy and its impact on the environment, and on how to change towards a new economy that can be implemented for all, ensuring the care of the earth and the care of the last ones. Young entrepreneurs, teenagers and world-famous economists were the protagonists.

One of the most awaited moments was to listen to Pope Francis’ message to all the participants in the online event; in the video message the Pope told to the young people that their work was very precious and not superficial; that they are called to have a concrete impact in their cities and universities, in work and trade unions, in companies and movements, in public and private offices with intelligence, commitment and conviction, to reach the core and heart where the themes, concepts and paradigms to manage the “system” are elaborated and decided.

At the end of the event, the young people read a final statement and made a common commitment asking the world’s great powers, states, major economic and financial institutions, businesses, banks, educational institutions, universities and society, to make changes to safeguard the common goods and care for the last, for those forgotten by the system and where care, justice and dignity are a central point in the governments’ agendas and the basis of educational system around the world.

To access the live streams of the event, see the full program and more: 

Read the full text of the video message of Pope Francis to the participants of the online event EoF

Read the final statement of the young participants of EoF. Available in English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French.