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What is the future of economy in the common goods era?

Luigino Bruni

The Economy of Communion is particularly relevant in the current economic  climate which is described by Bruni as the “era of common goods”, deemed essential in overcoming poverty and seeking peace.  Furthermore, the Economy of Communion points the way to addressing the theme of relational goods and reciprocity.

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By |2020-06-20T09:47:03+02:00December 8th, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments

The people of Tunisia have demonstrated their extraordinary maturity

By Chantal Lorho

On 26 October 2014, legislative elections were held in Tunisia, almost four years after the “Jasmine Revolution” which put an end to the dictatorship of Ben Ali. Postal system uncertain; 217 parliamentary seats. A fundamental vote aimed at electing a transitional democratic government and at meeting head-on all the nation’s challenges (economy, security etc).

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source: http://www.rfi.fr/afrique/20141026-tunisie-tunis-elections-legislatives-ennahda-ben-ali/

By |2020-06-20T09:47:03+02:00November 26th, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments

Caring for oneself: a priority of our time

Interview with Jennifer Nedelsky

By Luigino Bruni

NedelskyAs a professor of political science in Canada, Jennifer Nedelsy is considered to be one of the more innovative voices in the debate regarding care, rights and social relationships. She was recently interviewed by Luigino Bruni while visiting  Sophia University Institute  in Italy.

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By |2020-06-20T09:47:02+02:00November 17th, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments

Dilma’s Victory

by Vera Araujo.         

The re-election of the President was beset by a dirty campaign which uncovered much corruption – from the management of the World Cup to the Petrobus scandal. But the poor and some intellictuals chose to elect her in order to guarantee continunity to the social policies initiated by Lula.

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fonte: Città Nuova


By |2020-06-20T09:47:02+02:00November 3rd, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments

Lobby groups won’t succeed in making us keep our mouths closed

By Luigino Bruni.                                      

The gambling issue, its consequences, a strange understanding.


We cannot ignore the extent and seriousness of slot machine gambling in Italy. It is destroying our economy, our elderly citizens and our low-income population. It’s stealing the soul of our country.
© Avvenire, 17 October 2014


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By |2020-06-20T09:47:02+02:00November 3rd, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments

A time for speaking, a time for listening. Reflections in the wake of the scottish referendum

de Angela Graham.                        

ScotlandYESNOsThe ethics of unity urges mutual esteem among the parties, rather than a rigid political structure. It’s important to expound one’s own passionate views in an atmosphere of charity to fully understand each other’s ideas on politics, social divisions, economy and power. This avoids a superficiality that could undermine the contribution of such an ethic in the world.

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By |2020-06-20T09:47:01+02:00October 24th, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments

Marina Silva makes headway in Brazil’s presidential elections

by Alberto Barlocci.

Marina Silva

The electoral campaign for Brazil's presidential elections in October has suffered a severe setback due to the premature death of Socialist Candidate Eduardo Campos who died recently in a plane accident. Marina Silva, the environmentalist leader who up till now was a contender for the vice-presidency, has taken his place.

Read in Italian

By |2020-06-20T09:47:01+02:00September 25th, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments

Integration. The rule of peace

Interview with Pasquale Ferrara. 

Today we’re living through a global transformation in various ambits of human activity. We are also faced with the prospect of a transfer of power  to a world which is becoming less western. In the eyes of universal brotherhood, every nation, every people and every citizen is indispensable. As a consequence, the commitment for integration has to  be firmly put on the agenda there where it seems impossible. Integration can lead the way to peace wherever there is conflict.


Read the article in Italian

By |2020-06-20T09:47:01+02:00August 26th, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments

A much needed Truce between Israel and Hamas

by Maddalena Maltese.

There are too many victims in this conflict, which cannot be resolved by military force because of the many implications it would give rise to, and the high cost of human life. Courage is needed in order to reopen dialogue and not cede to the power of weapons. An interview with Pasquale Ferrara, secretary general of the International European Institute of Florence.

Read the article in Italian

By |2020-06-20T09:47:01+02:00July 21st, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments

World Cup 2014

by Sergio Prévidi.   

While the World Cup is taking place - a great occasion for sport enthusiasts the world over, but also in the country where the competition is taking place, for a reflection on the choices made in building the necessary infrastructures - here is a quick impression from the MPPU in Brazil.

Read the article in Portoguese


By |2020-06-20T09:47:01+02:00July 9th, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments

United Kingdom Independence Party could be a surprise in EU elections

By Frank Johnson.

This year’s EU elections, as far as the United Kingdom is concerned, are about how many voters turn to the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP). UKIP has been increasing in popularity and current polls show that between 20% and 25% of the UK electorate intend to vote for them. UKIP gained popularity on a wave of anti-EU and anti-immigration sentiment in last year's local elections, and has grown faster than any competitor to the UK’s three major parties since the Second World War.

By |2020-06-20T09:47:01+02:00April 29th, 2014|Opinioni - EN|0 Comments